W everywhere at the moment we will soon be heading into the summer months . That ’ s when the problems begin for turf and trees . Increasingly , year on year , we are seeing the effects of global warming across our landscape as droughts persist . Sports pitches , golf courses , trees in parks , amenity areas right through to lawns in private gardens will all suffer from the lack of rainfall . Ground becomes hard and compacted to considerable depth and when the rains do come , this often leads to standing surface water and waterlogging .
Terrain Aeration injects polymer
hile it may be wet , water
W everywhere at the moment we will soon be heading into the summer months . That ’ s when the problems begin for turf and trees . Increasingly , year on year , we are seeing the effects of global warming across our landscape as droughts persist . Sports pitches , golf courses , trees in parks , amenity areas right through to lawns in private gardens will all suffer from the lack of rainfall . Ground becomes hard and compacted to considerable depth and when the rains do come , this often leads to standing surface water and waterlogging .
Suffolk-based Terrain Aeration has specialised in one-metre deep soil aeration to relieve compaction , panning , and waterlogging nationally for over thirty years . While that takes care of the drainage and aeration when it ’ s very wet there remains the opposite problem of grass and tree roots not getting enough water in periods of drought . It ’ s a problem addressed by the same
Suffolk-based Terrain Aeration has specialised in one-metre deep soil aeration to relieve compaction , panning , and waterlogging nationally for over thirty years .
machine , Terrain Aeration ’ s Terralift system , that aerates the soil at depth by releasing compressed air via its onemetre depth probe . As that fragments the soil to create fissures and cracks to allow drainage and aeration , the probe can also inject water-storing polymer . Once in place , the polymer will expand one-hundred fold with rainwater or irrigation water which it stores for the turf or tree roots to take up as needed .
It ’ s a one-way system , so the polymer does not take water from the roots .
In this way , we will be able to make better use of what water we have and it ’ s a very long-term process as the polymer takes a long time to degrade . Spreading the polymer on the surface is not practical , as when it rains it turns into a gel , making the area dangerous to walk and play on . Injecting it into the ground using the Terralift machine offers the best , most beneficial , and wholly costeffective method , says the company . Terrain Aeration is the only operator of the Terralift in the UK and the treatment has proven itself since 1985 . There are different versions of the machine to treat large open spaces such as sports grounds , golf courses , and avenues of trees to narrow accesses onto bowling greens and gardens . Anywhere from airports to zoos .
Terrain Aeration www . terrainaeration . co . uk 01449 673783
36 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | May / June 2023