Groundskeeping Journal Issue 17 2023 | Page 32


John Deere TPC Sawgrass Volunteer Programme open for applications

pplications are now

A open for the 2024 John Deere TPC Sawgrass Volunteer Programme , which will see seven British and Irish greenkeepers travel to Florida to help prepare the world-famous Stadium Course for the best golfers on the planet .

The volunteers are chosen from each of BIGGA ’ s five regions , in addition to an international member , and one GSCAI member from Ireland . They will join the TPC Sawgrass maintenance and agronomy team in the build-up to The Players Championship from 9-19 March 2024 .
With all travel , accommodation and uniform costs covered by John Deere as part of its BIGGA Premium Partner relationship , volunteers will be fully integrated into the TPC Sawgrass pre-tournament team – an opportunity that may see them mowing the first tee before play starts , preparing the iconic 17th hole , or raking the bunkers as play gets underway .
“ This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for any greenkeeper ,” says Chris Meacock , John Deere ’ s Division Sales Manager for Golf and Turf . “ Going to volunteer at TPC Sawgrass presents a fantastic opportunity for you to expand your knowledge and experience , and you ’ ll meet many like-minded professional greenkeepers from across the globe .”
The 2023 cohort of greenkeeper volunteers included Assistant Course Manager Alex Brougham from Trentham Park Golf Club , Senior Greenkeeper
Sawgrass2023A : Alex Brougham , Eddie Irvine , Peter Lewis and Mark Tucker were the four BIGGA members who travelled to TPC Sawgrass 2023 in March .
32 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | May / June 2023