Groundskeeping Journal Issue 17 2023 | Page 27

GOLF COURSES provide agronomic advice and project management . “ The club has prepared carefully for this major project over the past few years and we have a world class team in place to execute the works as well as our highly motivated and passionate team at Aloha Golf Club ,” said Rod Spinks , chairman of the course .
Club president Rafael Fontán Zubizarreta said : “ This will be the largest course project undertaken by the club in our history , and is an important part of the preparations for our fiftieth anniversary , which we will celebrate in 2025 . We arethrilled to be working with such a strong team , and we are especially pleased that Tim Lobb has shown such a commitment to retaining the strategies set out by Javier Arana in his original design .”
www . lobbandpartners . com
Photo : Tim Lobb
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | May / June 2023 27