Boost water performance for improved turf management
F or groundskeepers maintaining large green spaces , turf and sports pitches , water demand is high .
To preserve a healthy surface , the entire area needs to be watered extensively and frequently , via sprinklers or irrigators . Not only does this ensure the ground remains in optimal condition , but it keeps the surface area even and soft to withstand the impact of sporting events and other physical activities .
However , this task can be made difficult without adequate water flow . Poor water performance negatively impacts groundskeepers ’ ability to maintain the condition of the turf to a high-quality and on a regular basis , often compromising its health and appearance .
For improved water flow and performance and ultimately a healthier turf , consider an accumulator tank . Accumulator tanks store water at pressure . When an outlet , such as a sprinkler , is opened the water from the tank is released , providing additional flow to the mains supply . This ensures adequate water flow and improved sprinkler performance .
For maintaining huge areas of turf , more than one tank may be required to have the capacity to store the appropriate amount of water . Thankfully , the
50 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | March / April 2023