Groundskeeping Journal Issue 16 2023 | Page 25

With traditional locks , there is always the risk of them being broken or picked . Once this happens , it removes any barrier to stop intruders from entering . Traditional manual gates will be less expensive and easier to maintain than automatic ones .
Generally speaking , automatic gates offer better security and enhanced convenience ; they can be unmanned , and minimise the risk of trespassers .
When considering automatic gates , there are many options on the market . These gates range in style type , suitability for purpose and size , material , operation method , and locking function . The cost can also vary a great deal , so each factor should be considered carefully . To achieve the best access control solution for your site , speak to an expert to ensure it is well fitting and doesn ’ t compromise security or safety .
While providing excellent privacy , solid gates are not always best for security . This may sound counter-intuitive , but they limit visibility through the gate from both sides , impacting clear-view surveillance .
The most commonly used access control devices are keypads , card readers , or a slide latch with padlock . With keypads , it ’ s good to regularly change the access code in case it is leaked to an outsider . Contactless or swipe cards , on the other hand , can get lost or stolen , so you need to be prepared to have replacements and possibly take measures against cards being cloned .
In areas where more robust security is needed , installing additional measures such as road blockers , traffic arm barriers or retractable bollards will create an airlock to help delay entry .
TYPES OF GATES Space available and budget often affects the type of gate , in addition to the security level required . Swing , sliding , or bi-folding gates are all popular , and all have different space requirements due to the way they open . Bi-folding gates tend to be the fastest to operate and therefore the most secure .
Finally , don ’ t forget to include pedestrian gates , and keep them carefully secured when not in use . You will need these alongside doubleleaf vehicular gates for pedestrian access and emergency exits . Not only is it safer for them , but also prevents opening unnecessarily large gaps in the perimeter every time someone wants to enter or exit . www . jacksons-fencing . co . uk /
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | March / April 2023 25