A must attend for everyone involved in golf course or sports turf management
Aerators , seeders , topdressers and more
erators , seeders ,
A topdressers and more will all take centre stage on the Redexim stand as they return to BTME in 2023 . Proven to be one of the most accurate dimple seeders on the market , the Redexim Multi-Seeder promises to be a particular highlight on stand 532 - where visitors can also find out about a brand-new promotion which will be a must-have for those looking to overseed as part of their spring renovations !
Equally as suited to work on fine turf and amenity areas , the Multi-Seeder features twin spiked rollers which saturates the ground with up to 1890 holes per sq . m , creating the perfect dimple in which to deliver the seed . The Multi-Seeder 1600 model offers a 1.6m working width , the ability to have fixed or floating
rollers to suit undulating ground and a rear-mounted brush which sweeps the surface to ensure not just optimal seed to soil contact , but leave a clean and tidy finish .
The Multi-Seeder is also one of a selection of models included in a brand-new promotion , launching ahead of renovation season . To help with the rising costs associated with overseeding , Redexim have proudly teamed up with Origin Amenity Solutions ( OAS ), to offer those that purchase a Redexim seeder an exclusive deal worth over £ 500 !
Alongside the Multi-Seeder will be other machines from the Redexim range that are critical to successful fine turf maintenance . The Verti-Drain 2519 is widely recognised as the leading high-speed , high-productivity aerator – featuring a 1.9m working width and the ability to accept a wide range of tine options . Re-engineered to include a new draw-rod system and an easy-to-adjust heave lever , the 2519 offers a PTO speed of up to 540rpm – allowing it to cover almost 9000sq . m per hour when spaced at 165mm .
Also launching at BTME will be a new addition to their topdressing range , which promises to deliver accuracy , adjustability and a brand new userfriendly interface for maximum versatility and efficiency . For more information on this , or any of the products from across the Redexim range , be sure to speak to the technical team on stand 532 in January .
www . redexim . com
28 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | January / February 2023