Groundskeeping Journal Issue 15 2023 | Page 23

A must attend for everyone involved in golf course or sports turf management

Sustainable management of fine turf and sports turf surfaces

ustainable management of fine turf and

S sports turf surfaces doesn ’ t have to mean a compromise in visual merit or performance . Demonstrating exactly that at BTME 2023 will be DLF , who return with a raft of new mixture formulations in their Johnsons Sports Seed range – incorporating new cultivars that promise to improve play quality and be kinder to the environment , and budgets , thanks to reduced reliance on chemical inputs .

With the ever-changing climatic pressures and growing demands of players and governing bodies , DLF are utilising research conducted across their global breeding centres to create mixtures with enhanced sustainability , that combat some of the biggest challenges faced today and those in the future . New for 2023 will be J Intense 50 , a new renovation mixture for golf tees , pathways and high wear areas . This mix promises improved drought tolerance , disease resistance and rapid establishment thanks to the inclusion of DLF ’ s 4turf ® perennial ryegrass .
One of Johnsons leading golf mixtures – J All Bent – has also been reformulated for 2023 . With Browntop Bent ( Agrostis Tenuis ) demonstrating better wear tolerance under close mown conditions and a much lower need for water and fertiliser than Poa annua or Creeping Bent , J All Bent now incorporates Cleek alongside Arrowtown and Manor to make a three-cultivar blend . As a top performer in STRI close mown trials , Cleek will help to create a mixture with maximum shoot density , excellent playing quality and the highest level of fusarium tolerance .
Cleek is just one of several new cultivars chosen for inclusion across the portfolio in 2023 . Orienette Chewings Fescue , Seroa Slender Creeping Red Fescue and Crystal Hard Fescue are amongst the others , and all are included in the 2023 J Premier Fairway formulation . These new cultivars will deliver the ultimate fairway sward in terms of density , visual merit and sustainable management , with the increase of hard and sheeps fescue improving tolerance of disease , drought and salt .
Along with changes to the sports turf mixtures across the Johnsons Sports Seed , MM Seed and Masterline ranges , information will also be available on the recently extended Colour Boost and UK native Pro Flora wild flower seed collections , which are ideal for increasing biodiversity and creating eye-catching focal points around the golf course .
The DLF technical team would also like to hear from you on what issues are impacting your management programmes in order to shape future educational and training events . Those who stop by stand 130 over the three days and share their thoughts can also pick up a free Johnsons snood and be entered into a draw for a chance to win a ‘ Greens Tester ’ – the perfect tool for monitoring speed , trueness and greens performance .
For more information visit www . forst-woodchippers . com or call + 44 1264 721790
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | January / February 2023 23