2.1 Introduction
In considering their GW&L decisions,
umpires must not distance
themselves from the support and
advice that will be available to them
at a given venue. For example, the
benefits of a positive relationship with
the groundsman could be invaluable
in planning restarts and taking
account of local weather conditions.
GW&L decisions rely on umpires
demonstrating awareness, strong
communication skills, teamwork
and clear thinking – and applying
them effectively and consistently.
Preparation before the start of a
match will help to ensure that all
aspects of their decision-making
clearly identify dangerous or
unreasonable conditions, without
compromising safety, therefore
optimising playing time.
Keeping the players informed
before a ‘situation’ exists will
improve their reaction (and the
reaction of the spectators) if/
when it does present itself. It is
helpful if both umpires acquire
and share as much knowledge
as possible while preparing for
any game, thus strengthening
their working relationship and
improving the effectiveness of their
Before the start of a match, it
would be useful for the umpires to
consult an up-to-date local weather
forecast. The advances in mobile
technology and weather radar mean
doing so is now easy and readily
92018 ECB Ground Weather and Light.indd 6
15/03/2016 15:58