B U S I N E S S F E A T U R E ; K E V I N M W E N Y E
public relations in Zimbabwe , notably in the entertainment industry , and why do you feel it is critical in a growing industry ?
KM : The time I entered public relations was at a time when the Zimbabwean industry was on the brink of breaking through into contemporary markets , and at that time , with the people I was working around and with , we saw that most Zimbabweans in the entertainment sector had everything but a standing admin team . We then decided to give it a go and it was very successful . Many businesses and artists or influencers get it right through and through , from mechanics ( directors / producers ) to monetary , but I believe there is a gap that needs to be covered , which is brands investing in admin teams , these being publicists and digital creative teams . Once we invest in those in different camps , I believe we will have the right narratives for brands being represented by admin teams that speak for them and to them in the right way . Let ' s invest in admin too .
GMI : Who was the first client that really helped to build your portfolio ?
KM : As I previously stated , when I was 19 , I worked with three people : Misred , Cecil Garapo , and St . Emmo ( The Movement ), all of whom had brands on the verge of growth . PR was an experiment , and it was a success , so I would always mention those three . Not forgetting the growth that came when I worked as a freelancer with Munashe Chris ( Madeinzwe ), Kapcity , Sikandar Raza , Ryan Burl and Hilton Mudariki who were clients for PlaybyPlay who outsourced me as their PR .
GMI : Apart from your music clients , what other services do you offer ?
KM : Besides music clients , I also offer a host of other services , such as crisis of other services , such as crisis management for different brands . I am also an entertainment and political analyst , editor-in-chief and a photography editor . These are services I have offered throughout my career as a media practitioner .
GMI : How has the current environment due to the pandemic affected the PR business and clientele ?
KM : As PR practitioners , it is our duty to bring out the best out of any situation , so despite all the negatives , for example , not being able to do physical experiential events , we have learnt the power of doing events online , and the power of exploring other markets in the digital space to make brands grow and not keep them stagnant . Luckily , PR can be done online as much as it can be done offline , and with more people growing fond of the industry and understanding PR , our clientele has also grown by the day .
GMI : What is the creative process like when you have to do damage control in a situation where your client is involved in a controversial story that is in the public ?
KM : Damage control is the most dreadful thing when it comes to PR , but there ’ s beauty in the damage if the execution is done well and is successful . The key to crisis management before anything else is actually having a PR advisory team or a PR in your team , because there is no way they can not solve any crisis if they lead you to it . There are different types of crisis , or rather damage , and they are dealt with differently , but their key creative fundamentals are planning , mentoring , training , and execution . Once these three things are initially looked at , the creative process will be in full swing . It is a matter of having PR close to your brand because a crisis can happen at any time , but it ' s easily cured if the brand is prepared for it , and you can only prepare for something you know well , right ?
GMI : Biggest piece of advice to those seeking your services .
KM : If you are keen on growing a reputable brand , be ready to invest in a reputable PR agency .
GMI : What motivates you in life ?
KM : I think what motivates me in life is the reason why I grew into PR because I ’ m motivated by the desire to see others flourish , recognition , and desire to be outstanding Shout out to Fungai Kush for being the one who has taught me from time to time that there is more and there will always be more if you put in the work and become more .
GMI : What advice would you give to individuals , or startups that are looking to develop a PR strategy but don ’ t necessarily have the funds to hire an agency to work with them ?
KM : I would advise them to either read more about PR and do it themselves , or try to get whoever manages them or works with them to invest their time in learning about PR , because it is a force that makes kings and queens become kings and queens .
GMI : In parting , what can we expect from you and your team in the next few years ?
KM : It has been around 7 years since I started working in PR , and looking back at where I am today and who I am with , I can just say expect us to keep growing and keep representing PR and Zimbabwe globally .
Follow Kevin and his team at Khaya Defero on social media @ khayadefero .