Reviews On Trending Television / Web Shows
Something old , something new and everything to view . Viewing choices have not slowed down in any type of lockdown . Ranging from returning favorites to highly anticipated new series and mustwatch movies . Check out what we are watching .
Season Finale Money Heist
Out of Africa Jiva
If you love dance flicks and are looking for something different , then the South African Netflix show , Jiva , is the one . Set in Umlazi , KwaZulu Natal , we follow protagonist Ntombi ( played by Noxolo Dlamini ), who tackles passion and duty . With an exciting all-girl dance crew , Ntombi pursues her dream to win the Jiva Loxion dance competition . Jiva is fun , colourful and will keep you at the edge of your seats . mainly due to the string of South African hits . The storyline is compelling , the characters are really different and riveting . And we all love to live vicariously through a character who , against all odds , does win in the pursuit of passion .
There is always that one friend who drags the whole crew into some shenanigans . This is the narrative of the Zimbabwean drama series ‘ Manhounds .’ An Invision Studios production , directed by Denise Edwards , the series follows four childhood
friends whose seemingly normal lives are turned upside down following the sudden return of one of their friends . Troubled Tawanda returns to Zimbabwe from Johannesburg , and involves Kumbi , Tamuka and Jason in the sinister world of crime . Tawanda ’ s three friends find themselves roped into crime boss , Cobra ’ s human trafficking business . The drama leads to infidelity , lies and even murder . The plot is captivating with only eight episodes out from the first season .
Blood & Water
The 2020 African Netflix , ‘ Blood and Water ’ gave us high school through a different lens . Following the life of Puleng Khumalo , a teenager who transfers to the same high school as a girl she suspects is her sister , who was abducted at birth , Puleng deals with secrets , falling in-love and high school drama as she uncovers what really happened to her sister . Ama Qamata resumes her role as protagonist Puleng Kumalo in the secons season . Season 2 returns with new faces , new secrets and more drama on 24 September 2021 .
The Netflix original Spanish-language drama series kept audiences around the world glued to their screens last year . The series debuted in 2017 , and takes viewers through the experience of plotting and executing a ‘ Money Heist .’ Fans have loved the group of excriminals and their mastermind professor as they challenge our moral and even political views . We have been anticipating the fifth season ever since the cliffhanger in season four . Over a year later , the fifth and final season returns in September and December of 2021 .
Insecure was the television series that we didn ’ t ask for but needed . One of the most relatable shows produced by Issa Rae , fans have experienced adulting through the lives of the show ’ s characters . The award-winning series showcased slow adulting through its protagonist , Issa . The show approached romantic relationships , friendship , race , career and everything in-between from the millennial perspective . However , all good things have to come to an end . HBO renewed Insecure for a fifth and final season . We are going to miss quirky Issa , funny Kelly , bougie Tiffany , idealistic Molly , and every relationship that ' s had us taking introspect .