Groove Magazine International Issue 3 Issue 3 | Page 28

URBAN DICTIONARY By Bryanna Chifunyise Some words are original by virtue of being corrupted and played around with so here are some words to add to your dictionary. Word: Fantabulous Meaning: A combination of prefix fant- from fantastic and suffix –bulous from fabulous meaning extremely great Example: "That dress on the runway was fantabulous!" Word: Cray Meaning: Crazy Example: "Girl you're cray if you think that I'm going to wear that in this weather!" Word: Crusty Meaning: Ugly Example: "Eish, that is a crusty poster for what is supposed to be the illest party in town!" TEXT TTYL8r – Talk to you later | DBL8 - Don't be late | PCB – Please call back Subscribe This offer is only valid in Zimbabwe and expires on 29 February 2014. Your details may be used for promoo n, if you don’t want us to receive them, please contact us. Have you heard? You can subscribe and get your copies of Groove Magazine at 25% CONTACT DETAILS: +263 733 817 786, +263 775 821 040 [email protected] SUBSCRIBER WHO WILL RECEIVE GROOVE MAGAZINE AS FROM FEBRUARY 2014 Surname and iniaȁls First name Postal address Date of birth (dd/mm/yy) Telephone (w) Cellphone email …and get into the groove with the beat of the nao n! METHOD OF PAYMENT Cheque or postal orders to the amount of $18 Cheques payable to Debit Visa MasterCard with the amount of $18 Card No. expiry date Last three digits on back of the card Signature of account holder Debit my Cheque savings transmission account ACCOUNT HOLDER Every Postal address (subject to price increases) NOTE: Cancellao n of debit order must be done by the account holder Date of birth (dd/mm/yy) Telephone (w) Cellphone email Subscrip. on 6 months ($18) new renewal Bank Branch Surname and iniaȁls First name month $3.00 three months $9.00 6 months $18.00 branch code account number I, the undersigned, request Groove Magazine Zimbabwe to arrange with my bank and Mul. -Data to withdraw the amount to the authorized here from my account Signature of account holder date