Grond tot Mond Jun | Jul 2023 Uitgawe 16 | Page 27

Haifa Bonus™

High-K Foliar Formulas
Foliar application of potassium fertilizers is a common practice to increase yields and to improve yield quality in fruit trees and field crops . In order to supply plants with adequate dose of foliar-applied potassium , repeated sprays are required . Increasing spray concentration in order to save on applications may result in leaf scorching .
Haifa Bonus™ is an innovative foliar formulation that enables highly concentrated sprays which reduces the number of applications needed . Haifa Bonus™ formulas are enriched with phosphorus which serves as a nutrient and reduces the pH of the solution to 4-5 , thereby making it suitable for tank mixing with a large variety of pesticides . Haifa Bonus™ formulas contain special adjuvants for enhanced adhesion to the leaf surface , improved absorption and prolonged action .

The advantages of Haifa Bonus™

• Enables high spray concentration
• Compatible with diverse pesticides ; enabling tank mixing for spray operations savings
• Consists of pure , fully soluble nutrients only
• Free of sodium and chloride
Haifa Bonus™ is formulas are based on Haifa ’ s Multi-K ® potassium nitrate . Potassium nitrate contains 100 % plant macronutrients : potassium ( K ) and nitrate-nitrogen ( N-NO 3 ). Plants absorb both the potassium and the nitrate rapidly , in a balanced manner . The similar uptake rates of these two ions improve the movement of both potassium and nitrogen in the plant , thus enhancing plant nutrition . Potassium nitrate is free of chloride , sodium and any other elements which are detrimental to plants .
www . haifa-group . com
Haifa South Africa
P . O . Box 1409 , Brackenfell , 7561 , South Africa Tel : 021 982 0309 , Fax : 021 981 7637 Michael Koch | 083 2314516 | michael . koch @ haifa-group . com Gerrit Burger | 082 8008766 | gerrit . burger @ haifa-group . com Nico Neethling | 072 0383380 | nico . neethling @ haifa-group . com