Gridline Autumn 2013 Autumn 2013 | Page 18

18 NEWS NEWS Centre the best source of energy info THE Farm Energy Centre is the UK’s leading source of information on the application of energy-based techniques in farming and horticulture. It works with farmers, utilities — including National Grid — research institutes and manufacturers providing expertise on energy applications and efficiency. It covers activities from energy auditing and brokering to energy efficiency planning and product testing and evaluation. The FEC also works with other organisations in the energy business such as the Energy Savings Trust, Action Energy and agricultural/horticultural organisations including the National Farmers Union, the Milk Development Council, Horticultural Development Council and the Health and Safety Executive. Its database of techniques and equipment allows farmers to track down suppliers of specific equipment, and the FEC Trade Membership scheme helps bring manufacturers and clients together. For more detailed information about the FEC, visit For more information about any of the issues highlighted on these pages, contact the FEC at NAC, Stoneleigh, Kenilworth, Warwickshire CV8 2LS. Tel: 024 7669 6512 or e-mail: [email protected] Use the same numbers to obtain a list of FEC publications, including technical guides, and technical notes. Farm audits pay off NERGY auditing on farms is important as a means of reducing costs and demonstrating a commitment to the environment and energy efficiency. Many farmers use it to comply with quality assurance schemes that demand an appropriate policy as part of being signed up to the scheme. For everyone, time spent on the audit will be quickly paid back in reduced fuel bills. The FEC can offer two levels of service to farmers wishing to audit their energy use — a self-audit system or on-farm auditing. There are five self-audit packs covering different farm types — field vegetables, horticulture, pig, dairy and poultry farms. These are step-by-step guides and allow the user to put together an action plan to address problem areas. When the plan is returned to FEC, it is checked by the experts and a certificate of audit is issued. The plan is backed up by regular newsletters and an optional comprehensive reference folder on energy efficiency. The cost of the audit package is £65 + VAT. The reference folder is £60 + VAT. If you prefer, you can ask an FEC engineer to visit for on-farm auditing. They have considerable experience of on-farm auditing and can produce a plan for any type of farm. You can also hire monitoring equipment that can track electricity consumption on a half-hourly basis. Drive is on to lower tax ID you know… inverter drives, the control systems that save energy by enabling electric motors to be run at reduced speeds, attract tax-saving Enhanced Capital Allowances (ECAs)? ECAs were introduced among a package of measures giving financial encouragement to invest in energy efficient equipment. Cost of equipment has always been a limiting factor, so ECAs are a useful incentive — allowing companies to write off 100 per cent of their expenditure on approved equipment against tax in the first year. Inverter drives, or variable speed drives, are among the list of technologies that currently qualify. Inverter drives have many applications, including pumping and conveying and ventilation. They also help in reducing high starting currents, which can be a problem D Irrigation system in operation for farmers operating on weaker electricity supplies. The Farm Energy Centre assessed the use of inverter drive equipment on an irrigation pump installation. Results showed energy reductions compared with conventional mechanical pressure control. WAREHOUSES and storage areas use high amounts of energy resulting in large bills. But reductions of more than 50 per cent are easily achievable if warehouse management takes a look at lighting design and use and implements a control system. Help is now at hand with the publication of a new guide from Action Energy. The Lighting of Warehouses and Storage Areas (Ref: Lighting Gui H