Age-based health screening guidelines
Early detection is crucial to overcoming serious illnesses . Preventive care is something parents prioritize when raising children , but it ’ s a crucial component of healthy living as an adult as well .
Health professionals recommend various age-specific screenings and tests , and these can serve as a guideline for individuals as they navigate adulthood . The following age-specific health screening recommendations , courtesy of Beaumont Health and Columbia Doctors Primary Care , can serve as an preventive care guideline , though doctors may advise patients to get more frequent screenings depending on their medical histories . ➤ 18 to 39 years old
• Cholesterol : A cholesterol check should occur around age 20 , then every five years until age 35 . Afterward it can occur annually .
• Skin screening : An annual full body screening will identify any suspicious moles or skin lesions .
• Cervical cancer : Women in this age range should receive a Pap smear every three years and an annual pelvic exam .
• Breast exam : Self-examination of the breasts and examination by a clinical provider should take place every year .
• Testicular exam : Men should conduct self exams for testicular abnormalities . Doctors may examine the testicles during annual physicals as well .
• Tdap vaccine : All adults should get the Tdap vaccine if they did not receive it as an adolescent to protect against pertussis , and then a Td ( tetanus , diphtheria ) booster shot every 10 years .
• HPV vaccine : The human papilloma virus vaccine is recommended if you did not receive it as an adolescent .
➤ 40 to 64
• Zoster ( Shingles ) vaccine : Two doses of this vaccine will be administered between two and six months apart starting at age 50 and up .
• Colorectal screening : A colonoscopy to detect any colorectal illnesses is recommended beginning at age 50 .
• Prostate screening : Prostate screenings begin at age 50 unless you are a high-risk individual , in which case screenings begin at age 40 .
• Osteoporosis : Doctors may recommend a bone density test and osteoporosis screening at age 50 and up if certain risk factors are present .
• Lung cancer screening : If you are a past or current smoker , it ’ s wise to have an annual lung cancer screening . The American Lung Association says adults age 55 and up can have this screening covered by health insurance .
• Mammogram : Women should begin receiving annual mammograms at age 40 . ➤ 65 years and older
• Cervical cancer : Most women can stop getting Pap smears at this age if they have no history of cervical cancer . Women who have had a hysterectomy may no longer need pelvic exams after age 65 .
• Pneumococcal and pneumonia vaccines : These are recommended every five years for certain conditions and risk factors .
• Cognitive health : Doctors may assess your cognitive health to see if there are any risk factors for dementias .
In addition to these screenings , doctors may conduct annual depression screenings to assess mental health . Routine blood glucose monitoring may be necessary based on risk factors for diabetes .
Individuals are urged to speak to their doctors to map out a health screening schedule specific to their needs .
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