Clymer Meadow at sunset
“ We are looking at a changing landscape here in North Texas . We ’ re watching urbanization and development move toward us . So we are considering the best ways that we can engage the people as they arrive in the area ,” he explains . “ This is real important to us . Although we ’ re private property and we ’ re not open to the public daily , we ’ re trying to understand how we can be a part of the community , allow the community to be a part of our work and ultimately engage .”
The preserve is open roughly four to six times a year for public tours , and it also serves as an educational site for students and researchers .
Although it might sound counterintuitive , Clymer Meadow is kept in near pristine condition largely through the actions of humans .
North America ’ s great prairies began forming about 10,000 years ago following the last ice age , explains Belcher . The retreat of vast glaciers allowed for warming and drying in North America , and as that happened , grasslands began dominating throughout the region known as the Great Plains , he says .
Two additional factors played a critical role in the development of prairies – large herds of bison and naturally occurring fires
“ Together , the grazing and fires shaped the landscape throughout the Great Plains ,” says Belcher .
Prescribed burning remains a staple in the management of Clymer Meadow , and grazing is accomplished now by cattle instead of bison .
The effect is a magnificently open landscape of waist-high grasses dotted with colors from wildflowers , such as native purple coneflowers . It ’ s a landscape rich in diversity , both in terms of plants and animals , including grassland birds , deer , waterfowl , reptiles , snakes , fish and insects .
“ Many different plants are found all together in a natural setting . These have been here all along ,” notes Belcher .
The preserve is managed to promote high biodiversity , says Belcher . “ That ’ s what we ’ re here to protect .”
When asked to name his favorite season at Clymer Meadow , Belcher replies that he finds something worthwhile in each . He enjoys the colors of spring , but September and October are extremely colorful as well .
“ These fields will be solid yellow ; it ’ s really stunning . But my favorite ( season ) is always the next season ; I ’ m always looking forward to what ’ s coming next .”