Greenville Life Holiday 2022 | страница 30


“— John W . " Dub " Duncan

“ I ’ ve found so many of the living and late former Wolfe City residents that have things named in their honor ,” Duncan said .
read , and then I make photos of each tombstone . The Mount Carmel Cemetery has so many burials that I ’ ve never tried to check each tombstone , but I have made a photo of many of the tombstones and I ’ m always getting photos when someone posts about their family and has a photo . Then I save the photo with the name of the cemetery and the names of the burial . Now that I ’ ve gotten older , I don ’ t do the research of the actual cemeteries any more .”
Duncan ’ s son Steve assists with the cemetery research , often accompanying him to the locations and he has had others who participated with the investigations .
“ The late Donna Henslee and her son researched the Hogeye / Celeste Cemetery and gave me their updated information ,” Duncan said . “ I get a lot of my information from the
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Internet , including the obituary postings . I also receive a web message from some of the local funeral homes .”
Duncan shares what he has learned with his family during annual reunions that began in 1968 .
“ I gave every family a printed form to fill out about their family , then I just continued adding information to their form ,” he said . “ My Duncan grandparents had 12 children , so I have two large three ring binders that I have divided into 13 sections , with the first being my grandparents , then a section for each of the 12 children . So any information or photos I get will go in the certain family they are under . Most of my early research was before the computer , now I have scanned each section and it is on the computer . Duncan is the 175th most popular name in the world , so there are a lot of us back to King Duncan of Scotland .”
Duncan has been recognized for the historical research of his family , Wolfe City and the area ,. He wrote a weekly article in the former Wolfe City Mirror newspaper called , “ Wolfe City , Texas 1844 till Present .”
“ I posted 292 stories in the Mirror from Jan . 15 , 1998 until it closed in December 2015 ,” Duncan said . “ Then in 2017 , I started the Facebook group , ‘ Wolfe City Area News ’ to take the place of a local newspaper and have posted 421 articles as of October 2022 .”
His research has uncovered some surprising Wolfe City connections to notable figures and other places in history .
“ I ’ ve found so many of the living and late former Wolfe City residents that have things named in their honor ,” Duncan said .
For example , Edna Gladney , who created the Unwed Children ’ s Home , lived there between 1909 and 1913 . By 1910 , Gladney had joined the board of directors for the Texas Children ' s Home and Aid Society . The free day nursery was financed by Gladney and donations to collection boxes that she placed in local businesses . The day nursery was among the early daycare facilities in Texas and was operated by the City of Sherman until 2008 .
Duncan also discovered that President Abraham Lincoln had several family members who once lived in the area . Jesse Gee Lincoln was the son of Jefferson and Martha Lincoln , and Jesse ’ s father was the brother of Thomas Lincoln , the father of the 16th president , which made Jesse and Abraham
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