Greenbook: A Local Guide to Chesapeake Living - Issue 8 | Page 51
PEOPLE Marilyn Hendley
t J. Melvin Premier Properties,
kids. Also being creative and unafraid.
we are especially proud of the caliber
In this business you really have to form
of our agents and staff, so we weren’t
relationships and fight for your clients,
surprised at all when our own Marilyn
and you can’t do that if you are too shy.
Hendley recently won an award as FiGB: The Capital Style Award was comnalist — Best Realtor for Capital Gapletely unsolicited. How is that you
zette’s Capital Style Reader’s Choice
earned such a strong reputation and cliAwards, a prize that was determined by just one vote!
ent loyalty particularly from first-time buyers? MH: I had
We’d like to honor Marilyn’s award by sharing her story no idea I was even in the running for the award, so it was a
with you.
wonderful surprise to learn that my clients took the time and
GB: Tell us a little about yourself. MH: Well, I live in Annap- effort to support me. I am so thankful. I do have a particular
olis and have for decades, so I consider myself to be a proud affection for first time buyers.
Annapolitan. But first and foremost, I am a wife and mom. I Financing and purchasing a home may be one of the scariest,
met my husband while riding in an elevator. Actually, I saw nerve-wracking and significant investments most Amerihim in the elevator, hunted him down and had my friend help cans will ever make. I think my mothering tendencies come
arrange a blind date. Three weeks later we bought a house out with first time buyers, who really look to me to care for
together and became
them and hold
engaged. We’ve been
…people with boats know Annapolis
together for thirty years.