Green This Season - Digital Conscious Fashion Magazine Issue #5 | Page 54

Explore your own passions and goals with personal coach Dennis Strik. You can contact him at [email protected] 53 and drink less or do you want to live a healthier life? If you feel you should do something, it’s probably the outside world that’s your main motivator: web blogs extolling the virtues of Bikram yoga or strict fitness regimes, friends swearing that carbs are the devil’s work. Green This Season MAGAZINE December 2013 Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Most of us do at some stage in our life. As December draws to a close, you make a list of great goals and you’re determined to stick to them as long as possible. But do you actually persevere? And for how long? We all know that a lot of us stumble early on. The idea of more exercise and no alcohol is great, but when it’s raining and you crave a glass of wine after a long day at work, it’s very easy to give in to temptation and open a bottle of Pinot and put up your feet in front of the telly. So is there really any point in having New Year’s resolutions at all? Well, how do you feel when you think about having resolutions? Do they make you excited and energetic because you can’t wait to see the benefits and enjoy the changes they will create in your life? Or do you get that sinking, anxious feeling because you dread not being able to eat, drink or do all the things you want? Your motivation is what counts. Why are you making these New Year’s resolutions in the first place? Do you feel you should workout more or do you want to become fitter and look better? Do you believe you should eat healthy foods If, however, you want to do something you’re acting on a desire from within: you want to feel better by exercising more and eating healthier foods, and you want to buy organic and ethical clothes because you feel passionate about helping to protect the environment and create a fair society. And guess which kind of motivation helps you succeed in the long term. Yep, of course following your passion is a much more powerful motivator for making changes stick than doing something because others say it’s good for you. But be careful, we’re all great at telling ourselves that we want to do something, when in fact we only think we should. Don’t people always say they want to give up smoking and then they don’t succeed? Well, perhaps that’s because they don’t really want to quit, and they only think they should.Setting goals for yourself is great, and it’s wonderful to want to make positive changes in your life. But just be honest with yourself and make sure your New Year’s resolutions come from your heart. Because your passions will keep you motivated, not just until January 3rd, but right through the entire year and beyond... if that’s what you want. HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON!