Green This Season - Digital Conscious Fashion Magazine Issue #5 | Page 4

3 EDITOR’S letter What a year it has been. A year full of challenges, fun, new friends, some sad and lots of happy moments. Being able to share our stories with you through this magazine has definitely been one of my personal highlights. Sure, it may not be as fancy and well structured as the big magazines out there, but believe me, the amount of fun, love and dedication that goes into each issue is unmatched. Green This Season MAGAZINE December 2013 There have been moments when I thought it wouldn’t be possible to make the magazine but my dear friend, the creative mind behind this magazine, Polona Javornik would always share some words of encouragement and would make me believe it would be alright. And so far she’s always been correct. Without her, this magazine wouldn’t be possible. If you like our magazine and appreciate our efforts, if you enjoy the stories we share with you, please like us and share your thought with us on Facebook. We really love to hear from you. Those of you that have submitted stories, ideas and suggestions to us, we thank you. It’s always wonderful to hear from you and just keep all those suggestions coming. I hope you’ve had a good year and that you have learned some good and valuable life lessons. Hope you’ve achieved what you wanted to achieve and basically hope that 2013 has been everything you wanted it to be. For 2014 I wish you nothing but the very best. January 1st is the first blank page of a 365-page book, the story is yours to write, make your story a good one. t , Donna