Green This Season - Digital Conscious Fashion Magazine Issue #3 | Page 35

I think we’re creating an environment where even if you don’t have experience, you can learn. Our trainees get one-on-one tuition from some of the best in the business. So for that reason, I really try and hire as many as possible, and it’s my job to create that environment where they can flourish. At furniture trade shows, we don’t advertise the homeless angle, we watch to see if people come over of their own accord and check out the furniture. Then I quietly explain how it was made and who made it, and jaws often drop. That’s a good feeling! Given the right opportunities anyone can make beautiful furniture. Has one of the Apprentices you work with, ever surprised you with some fabulous creative input? Every day. Painting the pallet-wood rocking chair the way we did was an idea from one of the trainees. And there’s a big focus on trainee’s problem-solving on their own, to help build their independence. I’m not surprised, they’re people who’ve lived and worked in the past, there’s not much reason for them not to have their own ideas just because they spent some time living on the streets. If anything, those experiences make them unique and that’s a creativity we can tap into. What is the one statement you would want to make about recycling furniture? Connecting the dots between the amount of furniture being thrown out by households, the amount of timber being thrown out by the construction industry and our seemingly natural curiosit H??\?[??[????X?K?\?H??X??Z[?\???YK?\?x?&\???Y][??[??][H?]\?Z[??X??]?K]\?K]?\?[?B??\?H??HX??][???X?Z?H8?'\?\?Y???HK????'H\?Y?\???[?\[??] ???[???X][???Y?[?H\?H?Y[\??[?[???\?B?\?HH?YH?[??H?ZY?\?[?X?\?\?[??[?\???\?]?Z[X?K?X\?B??\?]H????[??[???X\??[?HX??]??[?[??????B??\??]\?B???X? ???[\??]]?[KY?[?H???[?[?H]\??\?Y[????[?\??Y[\??[?????[???????[?X\?B?\?X?[H?\??\??X?[?\???[YK??[?H?[?[??[?B??][??[?\?[??[?Y??\??]\?K??[\H?X??\?H??\]Y\??\?\??[???X][???Y?[?H?\????[?Y\????H?\??]\?H??X?\?B?\?H?]?\?[??][??]?Z[X?B??[?X?H[?H??]H[?\??[YH[??[XX?H??[????H?[H[???]]?H?\?]K??X\?H?X??\?H??[??]?[?K????Y[?\??X\??PQ?V?S?H?[H ? L???[?]??Y\???\??]\?HXZ?[????\?[H??[?Y[\??[?H]?\H\?H]]?X]X?[H]X[Y?YY ????[?H\????Y[?H??]\Y\??]\??&]?Z]X?H??H????