Green This Season - Digital Conscious Fashion Magazine February 2013 | Page 18
How easy is it to source materials?
It is way easier now. When I started looking out for sustainable fabrics
in 2003 it was still very hard, not to say nearly not existing. The fabric
market in this area progresses fast and gives reason to hope for some really
great fabrics in the future. Considering the new areas, which are opened
by Tencel, Recycling and so many more.
What would you change if you could change 1
thing in the entire FashionIndustry?
I´d introduce empathy.
What can we expect within
the next year?
The summer is going to be fresh and sexy, playing
with transparency and floating fabrics in off-whites. The
winter brings back some dark colors and sexy shapes.
Where do you see Milde
in 5 years?
In Berlin, doing Eco Fashion.
Green This Season MAGAZINE feb 2013
“ What would you change
if you could change 1
thing in the entire Fashion
I´d introduce