GREEN SCHOOL Magazine | Page 8

Green School Project’s

Working Process

We made so much thing in this Project with lots of pleasure. The activities not only our students but also for us were very meaning full, informative, sociable and enjoyable. There is a project’s plan that we tried to make these things at the same time all together.

Then we made team groups and gave us names. For our Project, we made logo competition and the winner had a big role. His/Her Logo was this Project’s Logo. We gratuliered our Friends, students. For informing students and the people in our schools, we prepared seminars about the environment.

To draw attention, students made billboards about nature. They also made Poster with Web2 Tools. They posted them on the class doors. They also worked different them as.

They made news about the environment that took place in our city. They wanted to reduce it so they worked for it and wanted it really. They draw pictures the problem of environment and then wrote stories with partner schools. What the pictures want to tell people, students tried to say with their stories. They were impressive.

Green School Forest was made by us too. Planting sapling for the nature was a contribute that made by us. It was very enjoy able experience.

Our Kites flied to the sky with lots of hope. We didn’t for get our social responsibility. We made different activities for it.

And we celebrated e-Twinning birthday.