Green River Rifle Works Collectors Association GRRW.CA Start Up | Page 23

It was probably originally flintlock, then later converted to percussion. Its excellent condition probably means that it never went across the plains and was never used in the mountains. The owner was probably local, wealthy, demanding a true Hawken conversion rather than just a common drum and nipple, which was much cheaper. The care that it has obviously had indicates a careful and sparing user with enough means to get what he wanted. When did the Hawken’s mark it? Obviously, sometime during Jake’s and Sam’s partnership. Who knows if they built the rifle in the first place. We only know that at some time it passed through their hands and they marked it, probably because they converted it. I suspect they built it. They certainly knew the style. It was probably one of their earliest rifles, done on custom order, before they developed the classic Hawken style for which they are so famous, then later converted and marked. DOC WHITE You will need to re-read this article several times. Each time you find another item missed from the previous reading. See you didn't pay as much attention as you thought you did. I was asked how long do you think these firearms will be around or available? We as a group personally think if possible the service will go as long as the smith's skill levels and interest lasts, 5-7 years from this date of March 2016 is our thoughts. That said, when it’s over and the doors are closed we like GRRW will see these guns of values increase just like any of products that's are no longer available. We have only advertised by use of the Internet for the guns plus contacting a clothing wares firm in Parker Colorado owned by a lady I worked with for 20 years to make our sports ware available with the logo. I contacted the old casting firm that Doc had used for the ‘Blue’ Sanders Leman butt plate, trigger guards and GRRW belt buckles. 23