Green River Rifle Works Collectors Association GRRW.CA Start Up | Page 15

BUILDING CORRECTLY From time to time I get emails asking about how correct are the Hawken, Leman or Trapper Pistols offered when compared to the originals? If we reproduced an exact rifle, no one could afford the costs or would question some of the details. Remember those antique originals had many mistakes when compared from one to the other. The parts and labor were invested and if the mistake didn't hurt the operation they sent the firearms out. Here was were you find different variations in construction (little changes) but still built under that makers name. That said here's an interesting article written by Dr. Gary White years ago about the Hawken rifle, differences, finishes and other noteables about these original guns he played with, inspected and shot. The Truly Traditional Hawken When Jake and Sam Hawken left their Maryland home in the 1820’s for St Louis, they did so for the same