Green River Rifle Works Collectors Association GRRW.CA Start Up | Page 10

Poor Boy RIFLES POOR BOY RIFLE POOR BOY RIFLE POOR BOY RIFLE STOCK & IGNITION FULL-STOCK FLINTLOCK FULL-STOCK PERCUSSION APPROX. LABOR $775 $775 APPROX. PARTS $725 - $750 $725 - $750 Here are a few things to think about folks. If you are going to spend your hard earned money on a reproduction firearm, do some research on the weapon. Make sure it looks close to what the original looked like, don’t just ‘jump’ because an ad said it was correct. We have all heard the old saying “one born every minute”, be careful in your selection and who built your next purchase. Read these lessons learned over the years without paying attention when purchasing a NW Trade Gun. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10