Green Lake Conference Center 2014 Special Edition Volume 46 | Page 30

Conference for Church Musicians July 12-19, 2014 Music vendor JW Pepper will offer music and other worship resources for purchase. Seven major publishers of church music will present complimentary reading sessions that feature their new and favorite publications. We have daily tracks for children and young adults and a full schedule for youth. EARLY REGISTRATION FEES (by June 15) Adult (FABM Member) – $200 Adult (Non-Member) – $235 Young Adults (Ages 18-25) – $200 Youth (Grades 8-12) – $190 Children (Grades 2-7) – $75 Registrations received after June 15 (except children) will be charged an additional $50 late fee. Conference fees are refundable until June 15. Registration scholarships are available and requests must be received by May 1 and should be directed to Joyce Crowder, FABM Executive Secretary. Make housing reservations directly with Green Lake Conference Center: (920) 294-3323 Refreshing the spiritual life through music! The Fellowship of American Baptist Musicians (FABM) invites you to experience six full days of glorious music, worship and spiritual growth. Clinicians for 2014 include: • David Schwoebel, Adults • Stanley Roberts, Youth • Robyn Reeves Lana, Children • Debbie Rice, Handbells • Catherine Rodland, Organ • Mike Graves, Worship • Scott Bersaglia, Instrumental • Brad Nix, Piano Each day begins with worship and there are opportunities to sing in a choir or play in an ensemble, attend workshops, and hear concert performances each evening. Rehearsals for adult, young adult, youth, children and instrumentalists are provided daily. Bring your instrument and play in the orchestra as well as the strings, brass, woodwind, or flute ensembles. 28 For conference registration information visit or contact: Joyce Crowder, FABM Executive Secretary 3300 Fairlawn Drive Columbus, IN 47203 (812) 376-3321 David Schwoebel, nationally acclaimed composer of over 150 published works, and the Minister of Music and Composer in Residence at Derbyshire Baptist Church in Richmond, VA will serve as the Adult Choral Clinician. Visit for information about all our 2014 clinicians!