Green Lake Conference Center 2014 Special Edition Volume 46 | Page 15
Do you struggle for balance between prayer
and activity?
Do you long for more silence and solitude in
your life and ministry?
Green Lake offers a beautiful setting for
listening to the voice of God in new ways.
Leadership Team
Rhythms of the Spirit is a unique opportunity to explore
and practice the contemplative life together. To develop
a more contemplative life, time is necessary to practice
contemplation. To allow time for practice, the schedule
offers a focused and expansive approach to each day:
• Morning prayer followed by the practice of Lectio Divina
• Evening prayer followed by silence
• Morning and evening prayers with contemplative
elements from Taize, Iona, Renovare and others
• A keynote talk each day with members of the leadership
team focused on contemplative practices for life and
• Relaxed lunchtime conversations around tables focused
on helpful spiritual practices
• Observe the “great silence” each night after evening
prayer as a group
Keynote Speaker: Jeff Savage
Jeff has been a pastor for more than 30
years and has served First Baptist Church of
Springfield, Oregon since 1988. In addition
to earning a BA in history and a Master of
Divinity degree, Jeff’s Doctor of Ministry
degree centered on spiritual formation and
leadership. A retreat leader with a focus on
contemplative practices, Jeff and his wife
Janet also offer retreat space for clergy colleagues at their
home above the McKenzie River at Vida, Oregon.
Rev. Betty Wright Riggins
Rev. Wright Riggins is a graduate
of Oasis Ministry for Contemplative
Spiritual Direction and has a
certification from the Green Lake
Coaching Center. Rev. Wright Riggins
is ordained in the American Baptist
Churches USA and teaches as an adjunct professor
at Palmer Theological Seminary where her courses
focus on spiritual direction and formation, the practice
and theology of prayer and dealing with grief and loss.
She holds two Masters degrees from California State
University, Los Angeles, an MDiv From Eastern Baptist
Theology Seminary and is Principle of TrustOne, a
spiritual direction and coaching ministry.
Rene Colson Hudson
Rene is a spiritual director, chaplain,
and former local church pastor with
degrees from Wheaton College,
Palmer Theological Seminary and
a certificate in spiritual direction
through Oasis Ministries in Camp
Hill, Pennsylvania. In addition to her spiritual direction
practice (the Anam Cara Group), she serves as
Chaplain of Riverview Estates, a long-term care
community near Philadelphia.
Brad Berglund
A classical guitarist, an ordained
American Baptist minister, and
an adjunct seminary professor,
Brad works ecumenically leading
retreats and pilgrimage experiences
around the world. The author of
two best-selling books on the
topic of worship renewal, Reinventing Sunday and
Reinventing Worship, Brad is an internationally
recognized worship designer and leader. Visit Brad at: and
Registration fee: $80. Travel, meals and
accommodations are additional.
To register:
Call Green Lake at (920) 294-3323