Green jobs brochure erasmus+ (1) | Page 3

OUR OBJECTIVES This project is based on a multilateral school partnership is for secondary education pupils. Its main purpose is to raise awareness of the importance of taking care of the Planet Earth, by means of sustainable development and renewable energies. Every country is working on a different field making interviews, visiting green companies and designing a list of future green jobs that our pupils will be able to choose in the future. During their stay in Utebo in March 2017, we all had the great opportunity to visit ATADES, ‘The Agricultural Centre Sonsoles’ in Alagón, which is a sustainable village not far from our school for mentally handicapped people, who is a model in Aragon and in Spain, and there’s no better enterprise to mention, related to our Erasmus+ project, as, they are an example of sustainable development, they use renewable energies and they have a wide range of ‘green jobs’. And what’s is more, they are in charge of mentally handicapped people. ** This project is co-funded by the European Commission. The content of this publication reflects the views of its authors and the use that can be made of it is in no way the responsibility of the European Commission 3