The Seasons of Pregnancy
|by M. Danielle Bergum
Perinatal Educator
& owner of Esali Birth
A mother who conceives during the colder
months has the benefits of reduced activity
in winter during the first trimester when she
is feeling low on energy and during the more
delicate period of gestation. A pickup of activity
during the spring and summer is perfect timing for the more energetic second trimester. A
harvest of wonderful nutrients right before birth
helps to build blood levels, develop the baby’s
brain, and prepare for the energy needs of healing during postpartum. Mom has the ability of
soaking up an abundance of sunshine which increases her baby’s vitamin D stores for the winter months (as well as her own for breastfeeding), and she is prepping for this life changing
event with nothing more than daily chores and
casual activity. Maybe this is nature’s efficient
design for our species’ survival.
Babbling creeks with spring rain provide a lulling harmony for emotional balance when mom
wants to take a walk in the woods. The warm
air and quiet spring breeze is a welcome change
to the chills of winter, and mom is ready to get
outside and enjoy her growing baby. I can’t
think of a more relaxing way to spend an afternoon. Walking during pregnancy has a variety
of benefits including increased stamina for labor
and birth, proper posture for pelvic floor tone
and decreased back stress, and aligning the baby
in the pelvis for smooth movement through the
birth canal. Walking 30 minutes daily is a great
way of keeping stamina up for an unknown
length of labor.
Swimming is another activity that is easier to
enjoy in the warmer months which not only
has the same benefits of walking, but the added
advantage of increasing circulation and making mom feel weightless. There’s nothing better than a few laps to get healthy while easing
back pain and leg tension. Ensuring you can
carry on a conversation during your activity is a
great trick for keeping the heart rate and oxygen
levels at a steady point. With all this exercise,
mom also needs to ensure she stays hydrated.
Hydration may be a bit more difficult during
warm spells with more activity but a steady flow
of water to the system aids in digestion, circulation, and perspiration. Keep a sports bottle with
you at all times to encourage consistent sips. A
slice of cucumber in you r water can aid in natural
Photography by Roberts Family Photography
There is something wonderful about creating
new life in the midst of spring, your belly blossoming with the flowers and your skin glistening in the sun. Embracing the warmer season is
an excellent way of staying healthy and fit for a
wonderful birth experience. From seasonal activities to nutrients at your fingertips, this is one
of the easiest times of year for prenatal health.
Is there something more than boredom to the
baby-making trends of the colder months?