Mama’s Guide
to Self-Care
The first thing a mother needs to do is to
walk can do wonders. As your child gets older
honor her worth in the household. Simple
and can be away from mom for longer, take
things like sitting down for a meal when we
the opportunity to schedule a movie, manifeed our own children is critical and insures
cure-pedicure or anything that requires more
that we also value our own health. Too oftime.
ten we feed the children first, run around all
day with them and then eat the scraps of a
Self-care : Begins with self-love
sandwich and pass that off as lunch. How to
Do the work to get to a space where you can
remedy this? Next time you pack your child’s
validate your role as wife, mother and woman
lunch, pack your own. It doesn’t need to be
so that you understand the value of taking
fancy, just healthful. It won’t take any more
care of yourself outside of the family structime to toss an avocado, some nuts, maybe
ture. The entire family benefits when mom
even a quinoa salad
takes care of her
into the lunchbox
own needs and will
Incorporating time away
and you will know
witness a lovely
from the children is also
that you are also
shift in energy in
important, even for those
showing some selfthe home. A simple
who practice Attachment
home practice can
Parenting. Think of it as
be done quickly
breathing space to come
Ideally we would all
without the added
back to your own center,
love a day at the spa
stress of trying to
so that when you are with
but realistically it
plan for something
your family again, you are
makes more sense
fancy. Make a simhappy to operate from a
to bring the spa
ple list, put it on
place of love and joy.
home. Get creative
the calendar and
and depending on
treat it as you do
the age of your child, you could incorporate
any activity you do for your child, so that you
an avocado hair mask or even a hydrating fadon’t cancel. Remember that every time you
cial mask, while the children play in the back
have washed a diaper, treated a fever, nursed
yard. Even a 15-minute break like this will
through the night and so on, you have actualrejuvenate you.
ly accumulated points towards self-nurturing.
Make sure to use them!
Incorporating time away from the children is
also important, even for those who practice
Attachment Parenting. Think of it as breathChristy Funk is a natural childbirth advocate
ing space to come back to your own center,
and organic-loving mother of two boys, aged 7
so that when you are with your family again,
and 9, owner of Belly Sprout, www.bellysprout.
you are happy to operate from a place of love
com, a natural parenting store and community
and joy. If a weekend away with the husband
is too much, then try to go to tea, have a meal
by yourself, go to the bookstore or even just a