Green Child Magazine Summer 2015 | Page 45

Out Came the Sun Green Child Magazine Talks with Mariel Hemingway Much of my generation knows Mariel Hemingway as a celebrity who uses her status to advocate for mental health and mindful living. While we certainly remember her grandfather, iconic American writer Earnest Hemingway, I realized in preparing for this interview, not all of us were aware of the depths of the Hemingway family “curse” of mental illness and suicide. Mariel’s new books: “Out Came the Sun: Overcoming the Legacy of Mental Illness, Addiction, and Suicide in My Family,” and “Invisible Girl,” a similar memoir written in her own teenage voice, show us how a legendary family wasn’t above a stigma that plagues so many families. After reading her books and having the pleasure of speaking to her, I’m touched by the poignancy of Mariel’s story, told with graciousness and understanding toward her family. By shining a light onto her own dark history, she’s helping countless people open their hearts, be conscious, and learn to heal. Amity: In one way or another, every one of us has been affected by mental illness. Yet most of us are scared or embarrassed and don’t want to talk about it. I’ve been watching the reaction in the brief time since the book has been out, and it’s tremendous. You’re connecting with SO many people. Mariel: Thank you. You know, it’s time for this. People want to talk about this issue. It’s been around longer than any of the diseases we put time and energy into, and yet, it’s the one we want to pretend doesn’t happen. 45