Green Child Magazine Summer 2012 | Page 15

Streamline Your Summer Sandy Kreps shares 5 ways to keep summer simple with kids. 1 Pack a picnic and visit differ- ent, unexplored playgrounds and walking trails around your city. The kids will get exercise, and you'll get out of the house (for free!) 2 Have a (non-rigid) schedule. Break up your time into defined chunks so everyone knows what to expect when. Keep mealtimes and bedtime consistent. 3 The cure for summer boredom? Bring out a hidden box of craft supplies, summer workbooks, bubbles, board games or a rotation of seldom-seen toys. 4 Keep a summer survival kit Image by Kristen Brundige in your car with sunscreen, safe insect repellent, picnic blanket, umbrella, ball or frisbee, and extra water. 5 Make a summer "bucket list." As a family, create a list of activities (camping out in the yard, bowling, pillow forts, making ice pops) to do over the summer, then consult your list anytime boredom strikes. 15