Green Child Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 13

ages + stages | baby
What is considered a fever ?
If fever accompanies these symptoms , seek medical care
Safe home remedies to comfort baby ’ s fever

ages + stages | baby

A baby ’ s immune system is designed to fight infection , and a fever is actually a healthy response . Whether due to a viral or bacterial infection , the rise in temperature helps kill the invaders .
What is considered a fever ?
The American Academy of Pediatrics considers a rectal temperature of 100.4 degrees F ( 38 degrees C ), or higher , a fever in babies .
If baby is 12 weeks or younger and has a temp of 100.4 F + call the doctor immediately . Young babies are at much higher risk of serious infection and should be evaluated right away .
If baby is 3 months or older , has a fever of 100.4 to 103 F , and is drinking fluids and interacting normally , you most likely shouldn ’ t ’ worry . If the fever persists for 24 hours or baby isn ’ t getting better , call the doctor . Usually a fever over 103.5 F is reason alone to call the doctor .
Many pediatricians agree that a baby fever of 103.5-104 or higher is cause for concern , regardless of other symptoms . If baby is acting lethargic or has any abnormal symptoms , the telling numbers for a serious fever become : 101 + for babies 3 – 6 months old , or 103 + for babies older than 6 months .
If fever accompanies these symptoms , seek medical care
• Unusual fussiness
• Pale complexion or any type of rash
• Lethargy
• Exhibits signs of neck pain
• Loss of appetite
• Bad cough
• Pulling at ears or other signs of an earache
• Vomiting or diarrhea or significantly fewer wet diapers ( baby may be dehydrated )
Safe home remedies to comfort baby ’ s fever
If baby ’ s fever is within a safe range , try natural remedies to make him comfortable and support her body ’ s ability to ward it off .
• Breastfeeding – Mother ’ s milk helps keep baby hydrated with fluids , natural probiotics , and electrolytes . It also gives her easy-to-digest nutrition so that her body can be nourished without having to spend too much energy on digestion .
• Cool compress – A cool compress ( or lukewarm sponge bath ) may make her more comfortable . If it has the opposite effect , try other means of keeping her from holding heat in .
• Apple cider vinegar compress – Soak a washcloth in diluted ACV and apply to baby ’ s forehead . Or try adding a cup of ACV to a lukewarm bath .
• Bone broth , homemade chicken soup , or other nourishing foods – For older babies , these broths are packed with easily absorbable protein and gut-healing gelatin . Healthy fats and minerals are a natural immune system boost .
• Snuggles – The healing power of touch releases oxytocin , the feel-good hormone , which also promotes healing .
• Sleep – Rest heals many ills . Keep your baby close enough to monitor and be there when he needs you .