Green Child Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 49

guided relaxation

“ Spring Renewal ” with Mellisa Dormoy of Shambala Kids

With Spring right around the corner , we ’ re focusing on this season ’ s sense of renewal and personal improvement .
Simply read the words to your child in a relaxed manner as they settle into bed or nap time .
Lie down and allow your body to become very comfortable . Close your eyes now and begin to pay attention to how your breath flows in and out of your body .
Doesn ’ t it feel so wonderful and calming ? As your exhale , imagine exhaling everything that happened during the day . Imagine breathing in peacefulness . Visualize little bubbles of air containing relaxation and calm traveling to all parts of your body and filling it up completely . You feel so calm and peaceful and relaxed right now .
Spring is coming soon . This new and fresh season is a good time to make room for new wonderful things to happen in your life . Remember that you are growing and changing each day ! Every season brings a new you . Think about how during the winter months certain flowers disappear only to come back to life stronger during the spring time .
Imagine yourself now being a flower , ready to sprout from the flower bulb . You ’ ve been hibernating all winter in a warm cozy shelter snuggled in the earth . The earth has protected you all through the frosty , cold wintery months .
Now , as spring approaches , the rains fall from the heavens and you soak up the water completely . It renews you and gently wakes you up . Notice how you look forward to feeling the beautiful warmth of the sun once again . Now you break through the bulb and start to grow into the beautiful , bright , proud flower that you are becoming .
This is much like how it is in life . We choose new goals or things to strive for , and work towards those which makes us feel amazing and good each and every day . We always strive to show the best in ourselves and to be the best we can possibly be .
Think about something new that you ’ d like to do or achieve , or something you ’ d like to improve upon in your life right now . What is it that you ’ d like to be able to do better ? Focus on that for a moment now and imagine yourself growing and learning and becoming better at that exact thing . ( Pause to allow your child to imagine ).
See yourself being perfect at whatever it is that you wish to do . See it your mind as already being real and true . See all the colors and everyone who loves you surrounding you and cheering you on . You ’ re so proud of yourself and everyone else is proud of all you have accomplished . Feel your heart welling up because of your achievement . This is what you set your mind to , what you focused on . Because of your focus and your effort to improve yourself each and every day and because you BELIEVE IN YOURSELF , you have made it happen !
Just as a flower comes back stronger each and every spring , you do too . You ’ ve done a beautiful job relaxing and imagining today . When you ’ re ready , give your body a big stretch and open your eyes .
For more meditations and guided relaxation audios , visit Shambala Kids online .