Green Child Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 37

...... must-haves

Peggy O ’ Mara

Editor & Publisher at PeggyOMara . com
“ My favorite tool for new mom and baby is a rocking chair , a comfortable , not fancy rocking chair with a pleasant rock and a comfortable seat , plus arms to rest mama arms on while nursing baby . Essential .”

Ashley Wright

Goddess & Inspirational Speaker
“ My must have are baby wipes - Bambo Nature Why ? Because they are for everything and everyone . Safe , non allergenic , no dyes or perfumes wipes that are not only good for wiping diaper bottoms , but amazing for my adult skin as well , after handling gas pumps , lunch and anything else that requires encountering tons of germs and / or mess . No worries about what ’ s seeping into my blood stream with these wipes .”

Melissa Huynh

Creator of Lalabye Baby
“ I used CJ ’ s BUTTer on both of my children over 7 years ago and still keep some around for chapped or dry skin . I love it and bonus they have awesome scents !”