Green Child Magazine Holiday 2014 | Page 24

Embracing the Spirit of the Season and radio, and lift the mood with inspiring music--or simply hear the power in silence? Take time as a family for reflection. If your tradition includes prayer, what better time than these special days in December, when so many religions celebrate the miracle of faith? But whether you pray or not, how about a family conversation about the deeper meaning of the holiday you celebrate? Maybe you’ll decide to open your holiday dinner with a special candle lighting ritual or gratitude ceremony to remind you why you’re all together. Model gratitude. Gratitude is a time-honored spiritual path that makes us happier and more generous regardless of our beliefs about the nature of the divine. The deeper our gratitude, the greater our ability to receive, and the more we get out of life. Of course, children don’t have the context to understand their many blessings, and guilt isn’t an effective teacher. Modeling is the best strategy; simply noting aloud, frequently, how lucky we are to have this sunny day, this bountiful meal, this reliable car, such a terrific teacher or neighbor, and, of course, each other. Family habits like grace before meals, counting our blessings, or a thank you at bedtime for the delights of the day plant seeds for your child to develop a deeper gratitude as she matures. Help your child find his inner angel. 24 Children (like the rest of us) find it puzzling that the world is so often unjust. It’s empowering for them to know that there are always helpers in the world, and that they can choose to be one. Whatever your religious beliefs, you probably want your kids to know that the angels and elves -- literally or figuratively -- depend on our help. Generosity starts with a feeling of having plenty -- emotionally, more than materially -- and develops as we have experiences of making others happy by giving to them. Research shows that the experience of giving actually activates an area of the brain that gives us physical pleasure. If we want to teach our kids the true meaning of the holidays, we need to help them have the experience of giving to others, so they can discover their own joy in it. If you don’t already have a holiday tradition of giving as a family, why not help your child discover his inner angel by creating one? There is a great list of ideas to choose from on the Aha! Parenting website. Love is always in the room with you, no matter what day it is, or what your faith may be. What better time to help your child listen?