Ayo Hart
Founder, Dolphin Organics
Holiday Traditions
I grew up in a multicultural family and celebrated several holiday traditions. As a child, I
enjoyed receiving Hanukkah gelt because it was
one of the few times I was given my own money.
Overall, I just remember feeling so lucky that my
family celebrated for what seemed like weeks.
Between Hanukkah with my grandparents,
Christmas with cousins, and Kwanzaa with my
progressive parents... we had family and friends
over nearly every day or evening. Some of my
best childhood memories are from the holiday
Giving Back
Each year, we adopt a family from Friends of Karen. We go holiday shopping for the family, and
the girls really enjoying picking out items on the
wish list of other children. I appreciate the opportunity to discuss with my children how simple these little ones’ wishes really are ie. A new
backpack, mittens, etc. During Hanukkah, my
girls get to choose where we are going to donate
what we have collected in our Tzedakah box.
Celebrating Sustainably
My husband’s family celebrates Christmas in
grand English fashion. I know there is a certain joy the children get from tearing through
gift wrapping, but it was disheartening to me to
watch all the shiny, glossy paper go straight to
large trash bags each year. I have finally convinced them to wrap gifts in comic strips and
other recycled paper.
Everyone laughs at me, but I refuse to use gift
tags. I simply write names directly on the gift
wrap. I will also often save those holiday bags
and any nice heavy wrapping paper that makes
its way in for use the following year. I’m super
excited that this year my in-laws agreed to only
one present per adult. I’m not a Scrooge, really!
Perhaps just a minimalist when