Green Child Magazine Back-to-School 2012 | Page 72

When we heard about the ocarina, a pocketsized pottery wind instrument with ancient roots, we couldn’t wait to talk to music educator Lena Leclaire about the many ways music influences learning. GCM: When our Back to School issue goes live, many kids will have a few weeks left of summer vacation. How can music education help kids prevent summer slide in their grades? Lena: Music education helps children to develop intellectually, emotionally, and physically. It is a fun, life-long process that can be started at any age. To be a good musical role model to your children you don’t need any special training, just a willingness to learn and grow with them. 72 The break from school can be the best time to start your child’s involvement in music. The fall backslide can easily be prevented by keeping your children immersed and actively engaged in the arts. Appreciating or playing music will help your child’s problem solving ability, boost their confidence, and inspire creativity – all things that will help the transition back to school go smoothly. GCM: How can parents best encourage their children’s interest in music? Lena: To cultivate your child’s interest in music, it helps to be in touch with your own musical interests. If you are excited by the music you listen to, your children will want to share in that excitement. When listening to music ask yourself, what makes this piece interesting to me? Then when you listen to music with your children ask them to think in the same way. Do they like the words? The melody? Is it scary, funny or sad?