Green Child Magazine Back-to-School 2012 | Page 6

Meal Planning 101 By Kim Corrigan-Oliver Along with Back to School comes the return of routine. Schedules get busier, homework is on the agenda, and everyone needs to eat. Meal planning is an important tool which will help you create healthy, nutritious meals at home for your family even when the schedule seems to busy. Here are six easy steps to meal planning success: Step 1 - Get Ideas Get the family involved...what does everyone like to eat, what is everyone’s schedule like and can family members help with preparation, cooking or clean up? Step 2 - Make Two Lists weekend to make a few meals ahead of time for those super busy nights. Step 5 - Create A Grocery list Include everything you need for meal preparation. List #1 – meals you usually prepare. List #2 – meals you would like to prepare. We all have those recipes tucked away just waiting to be tried, bring them out and see if they fit into your meal planning. One word of caution, try only one new recipe per week. Step 6 -Put It Into Action Step 3 - Consider Short Cuts Family meal planning can be a lot of fun when the whole family is on board; so get the kids involved, let them have a choice on the meals you serve, let them help you in the kitchen and then enjoy the meal you have prepared together. Ask yourself these three questions: • Can you combine fresh (vegetables) and convenience (jarred pasta sauce) to make a fast healthy meal? • Will using frozen (vegetables) or canned (beans) foods make the meal easier to prepare? • Do you need simpler meals/recipes? Step 4 - Create A Plan Decide what meals you will prepare on which nights. Consider the time it takes to make the meal, the nutrient value of the meal and your family schedule. Schedule some time on the 6 Let the fun begin! Give the plan a try, see how it works and then tweak it as necessary until you find the perfect fit. Kim Corrigan-Oliver is a mom, holistic nutritionist, doula in training and owner of Your Green Baby, a nutrition consulting business specializing in mom, baby and toddler. She is the author of Raising Happy Healthy Babies, a book which includes nutrition guidance for the preconception to toddler stage, and everything in between.