Green Child Magazine Back-to-School 2012 | Page 50

Advertorial 4. Recover/Restore what has been broken inside of you. Many of us of are lucky if we have anytime in our today for just the tiniest bit of space. When space opens up, a new world unfolds. Stored up emotions, traumas, unnoticed observations, creativity, intuition, and clarity, all rise to the surface. Beginning a journey toward sustainability and health, many are met with feelings of anger, guilt, fear, anxiety or depression. Our first instinct may be to push away these feelings, ignore, them, or fall deeper into them. I believe it is vital to take such an opportunity to welcome these feelings, discover their roots, and allow them to move through us and out of us so we may heal, restore, and renew ourselves. This is a key step towards wellbeing. About Green Body Green Birth Your body is your first and foremost environment. It is the environment that you never leave, nor enter. Green Body Green Birth provides an in depth understanding of your body’s own terrain and shows you how greening your body and mind leads to a healthier body, a healthier pregnancy, and a greener world outside. Whether you’re an expecting mother, or just looking to gain deeper insights into your health, Green Body Green Birth is for you. Readers are provided with simple, practical, yet effective solutions to empower their health and their life. 50 About Mary Oscategui Mary Oscategui, The Baby Planner is an international maternity business consultant and holistic educator who specializes in maternal health, fitness, nutrition, green living, and sleep. Mary is a leader in educational development and has been consulting and guiding hundreds of clients for the last 17 years. She is the founder, CEO, and President of the International Maternity Institute (IMI), International Academy of Baby Planner Professionals (IABPP), and Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Association of Professional Sleep Consultants (APSC). Mary also offers health and fitness services through Physical, a holistic integrative approach offering the services of yoga, meditation, Pilates, fitness, and nutrition and, offering services, guidance, and support tailored to pre-conceiv-