Green Child Magazine Back-to-School 2012 | Page 48

The 4R’s of Green Body Green Birth Just as you’ll find the 4 R’s of waste management in our outer environment, Green Body Green Birth teaches the 4 R’s for our body’s environment. By supporting and encouraging the healthy sustainability of our own human body, we have a much greater opportunity to thrive and contribute to the health and sustainability of our earth. 1. Reduce The world’s obesity epidemic is not just physical. We are also experiencing a mental obesity. Our minds have become full and dependent on constant stimulus from screens, phones, social media and working long hours. The space between thoughts, images, and advertisements has grown smaller. Like obesity of the body, obesity of the mind can pose many health issues from depression to ADHD to sleep disorders. We can reduce mental noise, stress, waste, and information overload by inviting space. This can be done by spending less time accumulating more information and more time in meditation, yoga, hiking, nature… or just by simply resting. 48 Photo by Adria Richards On a physical level, we can commit to only consuming that which is needed for our body. Excess food consumption leads to excess waste in the body, and it leads to an inefficient human machine. A weak body necessitates an entire system and economy to care for it. 2. Reuse what is sustainable and nourishing for the mind, body, and soul. How often do we catch ourselves reusing or repeating negative thoughts, negative physical habits or perhaps re-entering into unhealthy relationships?