Green Child Magazine Back-to-School 2012 | Page 29

that need to stay neat. If your kids have afterschool activities, now’s the time to change into appropriate clothing and get gear into the car. If you like your kids to do their homework immediately after school, establish this routine from the first day and stick to it. Set up a homework station at a desk, or keep supplies in a portable container if the dining table is being called into service. The Evening Routine Check your calendar so school events, appointments and meetings don’t sneak up on you. Also check your weather app, so you know if you’ll need cold weather gear, umbrellas or extra sunscreen. Set up a “launch pad” area for bags, keys and other items you’ll need for the day. Pack backpacks, musical instruments and sports equipment the night before to ensure you have everything. Check your child’s homework and ensure his backpack is packed before he goes to bed, so permission slips, lunch money, gym clothes, and school projects aren’t forgotten. Prepare lunches the night before, and pack any snacks children need for school or after-school activities. Line up lunchboxes and water bottles in the fridge to grab and go in the morning. Choose clothing the night before and make sure to include underclothes, shoes and accessories. Hang the outfit on the closet door knob so your child knows exactly what she is supposed to wear. Make sure everyone gets enough sleep. A child (and a parent) who is well rested will have a much easier morning that one who repeatedly hits the snooze button. Also, waking kids gently, with kind words, hugs and kisses, helps ease children into the day more positively than barking “get up!” I’m not a morning person, and neither is my oldest son, Wyatt. Going in to his room and cuddling with him for a few minutes helps both of us wake up in a nicer mood. Sandy Kreps is a writer, graphic designer/art director, and mom to two little boys. Through her Modern Simplicity blog, she is committed to teaching others about choosing a greener, simpler lifestyle. 29