Green Child Magazine Back-to-School 2012 | Page 21

Great Lunch Food Options: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • almond butter hummus carrot sticks raisins apples grapes cheese homemade granola cherry tomatoes berries nuts fresh salsa beans brown rice fruit leather water By packing a healthier and greener lunch you may find your kids doing much better at school. Most prepackaged foods are full of sugar and artificial ingredients that can produce a sugar buzz; causing your child to get tired and drowsy towards the end of the day. You'll also save over $250 a year when you stop buying disposable items for your child's lunch. That extra money you save can go towards buying more organic fruits and vegetables that you may not be able to afford otherwise. For more information about Waste-Free lunches visit the Environmental Working Group and the EPA websites. Calley Pate is a mom of two and the author of The Eco Chic blog where she writes about green living, natural parenting and is an advocate for cloth diapers. 21