This kind of application will reduce the burden on the traditional coal power plants and therefore removing the equivalent amount of greenhouse gas emissions from air.
What is your usual day-to-day job at SIBT?
I am the program convenor for Engineering and IT diplomas in SIBT. I coordinate the delivery and curriculum development of these programs as well as some teaching and research supervision responsibilities with our partner, Western Sydney University.
How do you think teaching staff can be best supported given the new world of COVID and restrictions?
Teaching staff should be provided training to adopt different techniques used in online teaching and learning for better student interaction and class engagement with online delivery. Some techniques, such as computer simulations and software become key tools, especially when moving engineering classes online during COVID restrictions, where face to face practicals on campus are not possible.
How do you feel students can be best supported?
Students need to be given more time to become familiar with the online techniques and offered support classes, workshops or one-on-one online consultation.
How did your student feel when he first saw the paper published?
The student was very happy and excited because it was the first time he was given the opportunity to be involved with a paper publication. It will add value to his resume when applying for a job.
Do you have any plans for more research writing?
Every semester I offer research topics to students who have interest in sustainable energy systems; however, for the work to be suitable for publication students must show outstanding performance by addressing the research questions properly and achieving genuine outcomes.
Like to read the reasearch paper?
Dr Saad odeh
Read the research
paper HERE