Sometimes I sit here and I have to pinch myself. After the close of the recent UPE Learning and Teaching Conference, I took some time to reflect on some of the moments that led up to me Chairing the Organising Committee for the conference. I left school with no GSCE’s due to a terrible accident in my final year of secondary school. After numerous odd jobs with little to no progression and an endless sea of monotony, I decided there must be more to life.
Having been inspired by my father who had a complete career change and undertook a degree at 38, and very quickly progressed to Academic Coordinator with the University of Bolton, I decided to enter into education.
It was a life-changing experience; I finally felt that I was in the right place. Post-education, I found a home with UNIC (University of Northampton International College) as a lecturer in Science, Engineering and Pre-Masters. As opportunities came up at the college, I always put myself forward, determined to integrate myself as a permanent fixture with UNIC and build my skills in leadership and management.
Since then, I have been selected to attend various UPE Boards and committees and I support the enhancement of the wider teaching community while always maintaining the delivery of excellent quality education.
As a member of the organising committee for the 2020 Learning & Teaching Conference and speaking about the global shift to Dual Delivery, I was asked to Chair the Conference Organising Committee for 2021. I was elated to be offered such an opportunity.
This widened the circle of wonderful people in the Navitas family that I get to work with; from Saad Queresi, who had been an ongoing font of knowledge regarding leadership skills and people management, Philip Styles who has a fascinating insight into the world of education and how we can do more to empower the people that operate within the community, Hazel and Brian Wilkins, who have devoted their lives to the educational enhancement of others, and Rhenu Bhagotra, Katherine Kite and Patricia Tweed who have maintained communications within the group and externally.
There is not enough room on this page to make note of everyone involved in the conference and its overall success, but every single one of you is appreciated, and collectively all of your efforts made the conference the success that it was.
On that note I would like to end with a quote from Sir Isaac Newton “If I have seen further, It is by standing on the shoulders of giants” the Navitas community that put this conference together are the giants, and for my it was my humble pleasure to lead them.