Scott Jones
A message from the CEO
5 Teacher profiles
8 Wordly experience of English teaching
By Craig Munsey, Director of Studies at Edith Cowan Colleg
12 We are now superheroes
Kerry Shandler (Murdoch Dubai) shares online teaching insights
14 'One ACAP'
Slaven Drinovac (ACAP) discusses how the pandemic
has helped cement collaboration
16 Learning from experience
Peter Denton (ICM) imparts his distance education knowledge
18 Personal reflections: a journey into onlilne teaching
Azad Noor (LBIC) shares his perspective
20 Responding with Agility
NET partner Adara pivots into action for communities
24 The Green Apple interview
We talk to Dr Christopher KLopper, Academic Director at
Griffith College
26 Examining online assessments: from Learning & Teaching
Welcome to the second issue of Green Apple.
As our cover says, the world has recently felt very tilted. But amid the ongoing challenges and change we face - both individually and as an organisation - I couldn't be more proud of our incredible educator community.
Through your tireless commitment we have seen a move toward online delivery that continues to place student learning and quality teaching as top priorities. To you, the teachers, I offer my sincerest thanks.
In sharing the special stories in this issue, I hope you will feel both connected and strengthened as we continue along this remarkable journey in education.