Green Apple Issue 1 | Page 23

At Navitas we encourage our teachers to transform the student learning experience by building a range of capabilities, embracing learning and teaching challenges, and being responsive to changes in the education environment. To support staff in the development of their skills, Learning and Teaching Services provides Teaching Excellence at Navitas (TEN); an innovative approach to the professional development of all our academic staff.

Teaching and academic support staff can explore a range of professional development (PD) offerings and access their current PD modules through the Learning & Teaching Moodle.

The TEN Capabiltiy Framework

TEN is underpinned by a capability framework, to benchmark and provide evidence for performance, progress and impact across the diverse range of learning and teaching contexts at Navitas.

Acknowledging the various teaching and academic support roles at Navitas, the f framework guides and supports our academic staff in the delivery of high-quality student learning experiences.

The framework outlines the specific knowledge, skills and principles that contribute to ‘teaching excellence’.

TEN PD program

As part of TEN, a suite of online PD modules covers teaching approaches, strategies and effective use of learning technologies. These modules are mapped to the seven framework domains. The modules are flexible, with each consisting of three to five hours of learning completed online. More information on TEN modules is available on the TEN CATALOGUE.

Digital Badges

On successful completion of a module’s final assessment task participants are awarded with a badge representing a capability mapped to a domain within the framework. Learn more about the Navitas Digital Badges HERE

The Navitas Advance HE Fellowship program assists participants through the process of applying for Fellowship with Advance HE (previously known as Higher Education Academy). Learn more about the Navitas Advance HE Fellowship Program HERE.

Professional development

takes centre stage