Greek Mythology 2013 | Page 2


The medusa was an ugly creature . Let ' s have a look at how she came undefined into existance , for she wasn ' t always that ugly ... Again , the Gods played their role .
The Medusa was the daughter of Phorkys and Keto , the children of Gaia ( Earth ) and Okeanos ( Ocean ). She was one of the three sisters known as the Gorgons . The other two sisters were Sthenno and Euryale . Medusa was the only mortal out of the three . She was once very beautiful and lived far in the north were the sun didn ' t visit . Being very curious , she wanted to see the sun , and asked the Goddess Athena for permission to visit the south . Athena refused to allow her to visit . The medusa got angry and dared to say that Athena hadn ' t given her permission because she was jealous of her beauty . that was it ! Athena was angered and punished her by turning her hair into snakes and cursing her by making her so ugly that whoever looks at her eyes would turn into stone .
For more information : http :// www . greekmythology . com / Myths / Creatures / Medusa / medusa . html