Despite all of his successes Bellerophontes was still not satisfied and sought to fly to heaven on the back of Pegasos . Zeus was angered by his presumption and sent a gladfly to sting the horse , causing it to buck and cast the hero back to earth . Afterwards he wandered the world alone despised by gods and men .
( or Minotaur ) was a bull-headed monster born to Queen Pasiphae of Krete after she had coupled with a bull .
The creature resided in the twisting maze of the labyrinth , where he was offered a regular sacrifice of youths and maids to satisfy his cannibalistic hunger . He was eventually destroyed by the hero Theseus .
The Minotaur ’ s ' proper name Asterion , " the starry one ," suggests he was associated with the constellation Tauros .
For more information : http :// www . theoi . com / Ther / Minotauros . html