Greater Ottumwa Investor Directory 2023-2024 | Page 24

PARKS If you ’ re looking to get outdoors in the Ottumwa area , there ’ s certainly no shortage of opportunities . The National Recreation and Park Association recommends one acre of parkland per every 100 residents . Ottumwa proudly boasts a ratio of 2.7 acres per 100 residents , nearly three times the national standard . Get out and enjoy ! cityofottumwa . com / departments / parks-and-recreation /

Ballingall Park , located at River Drive and Main Street in front of the Wapello County Historical Museum and the Amtrak train depot , has a historic steam engine and water fountain . The park is on the National Register of Historic Places as part of a historic railroad district that includes the depot .
Central Park is located between City Hall and the Ottumwa library at the intersection of North Court and Fourth streets . It has an amphitheater stage , large oak trees , shade benches and picnic tables . A war memorial is located on the north side of the park on Fourth Street .
Bark Park is a special fenced-in area of Ottumwa Park designed just for dogs . The park allows an off-lease area for dogs to run and play . It is located just off Highway 34 in Ottumwa .
Bell Park , located at 4 Eleanor Drive in Ottumwa , is a family-friendly neighborhood park on Schwartz Drive containing playground equipment , pickle ball courts and basketball courts .
Blackhawk Boat Ramp , located on the Des Moines River north of the Hydro Dam , has two boat ramps with ample parking . Additionally , there is a public archery range with two backstops and targets that will be opening on Oct . 1 , 2022 .
Caldwell Park is located at West Main and Arrison streets in Ottumwa . The park is maintained as an upland oak savannah and commands a peaceful view of the Des Moines River valley .
Jim Clingman • Broker 641-777-3468
301 W Fourth Street • Ottumwa , IA 52501 www . BridgeCityRealty . com
Licensed in the State of Iowa
24 GOPIP Investor Directory 2023-24